Professional sales materials on your tablet with Sales Tool

Project details

Client name Valve, Abloy, Varma

Project date 2014-2015

Project responsibilities Art Director

Project description

During 2014-2015 I was involved in the Valve Sales Tool project designing several tablet based marketing tools and visual content for them. The apps run on top of Valve’s RCMS content management platform and are designed to use native functionality of Samsung and Apple tablet devices working both online and offline depending on the salesperson’s needs.

The Sales Tool strives to support the marketing efforts of larger organizations. Base content is always fresh as it is updated to a central point. Through an admininistration interface the sales organization can pick the slides they want and build their own interactive sales presentation. Some information can be edited by salesperson and the order can be changed as needed. These slides are not static powerpoint slides, they can have built in interactivity and can be used also as an interactive form that the salesperson and customer can fill out together.