Client name Aller Media

Project responsibilities Graphic design and development

Project description

During my years at the marketing department of the magazine company Aller Media, I had the opportunity to do a bunch of great banners. Mind you, of a handful of banners only a few banners will turn out to be truly successful. Even most clever of an idea you are trying to execute in your banner, it will not automatically mean it will work.  I learned that it was a process of patience and trial and errors getting the best CTR’s and conversion rates. The best tool in the “banner wars” is your campaign system and your statistics sheets.

You can pretty soon see if the banner is a dud or a true success by the conversion numbers it crunches up for you. If it’s a dud, then bury the banner and make a new one. If the banner is a failure don’t bother making it in twenty different sizes for banner networks, like Tradedoubler if you don’t have to. You have only approximately 10 seconds to catch the attention of a website visitor with your banner, that’s it, if they passed your banner it’s a lost conversion. Learning the best attention colors and visually grabbing the focus of the visitors are key before you lose them.

I also noticed that making good marketing banners require some understanding of psychology. The banner usually does not have to be an amazing technical achievement or a mysterious puzzle box. Just simple ordinary things that you might take for granted might actually be the best way to get the visitor hooked. One of the most successful banners I made was a simple banner illustrating a great deal dropping into your mailbox, your real mail I mean, not the online one.

Connected with a clear and understandable campaign page, and good CTA’s (call to action) you are also on your way to successful conversion rates and snatching up a great deal of leads. Success with banners ultimately consist of a whole lot of factors working together.

» Open an interactive demo of some of my banners